Research for a web service to analyze ways and means of forecasting and preventing sudden emissions of coal and gas in coal mines/Sayazhanova, A.Zh.


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Sayazhanova, A. Zh.
    Research for a web service to analyze ways and means of forecasting and preventing sudden emissions of coal and gas in coal mines / A. Zh. Sayazhanova, Zh. Sailaukyzy ; Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University // The latest research in modern science: experience, traditions and innovations : Collected scientific articles of the XV International scientific conference, Morrisville, 23–24 января 2023 года. - Morrisville : Lulu Press, 2023. - P9-12

Доп.точки доступа:
Sailaukyzy, Zh.
Сайлау қызы Ж.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University