Электрондық каталогта іздеу


База данных: Статьи

Беті 1, Нәтижелерін: 23

Отмеченные записи: 0

Azbanbayev, E.
    The development of microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminum alloy 1100 during equal channel angular drawing in stepped die with parallel channels / E. Azbanbayev, A. Isagulov, B. Shayakhmetov ; Karaganda state technikal university, Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy // Metalurgia International. - 2013. - Vol. 18, no. 8. - P86–90. - http://elib.kstu.kz/fulltext/Scopus/2013/Metalurgia International_8.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
ECAD -- aluminum -- microstructure -- properties

Доп.точки доступа:
Isagulov, A.
Исагулов А.З.
Shayakhmetov, B.
Азбанбаев Э.М.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Azbanbayev, E. The development of microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminum alloy 1100 during equal channel angular drawing in stepped die with parallel channels [Текст] / E. Azbanbayev, A. Isagulov, B. Shayakhmetov // Metalurgia International. - 2013. - Vol. 18 no. 8. - С. 86–90


Azbanbayev, E. The development of microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminum alloy 1100 during equal channel angular drawing in stepped die with parallel channels [Текст] / E. Azbanbayev, A. Isagulov, B. Shayakhmetov // Metalurgia International. - 2013. - Vol. 18 no. 8. - С. 86–90

Azbanbayev, E.
    The development of microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminum alloy 1100 during equal channel angular drawing in stepped die with parallel channels / E. Azbanbayev, A. Isagulov, B. Shayakhmetov ; Karaganda state technikal university, Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy // Metalurgia International. - 2013. - Vol. 18, no. 8. - P86–90. - http://elib.kstu.kz/fulltext/Scopus/2013/Metalurgia International_8.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
ECAD -- aluminum -- microstructure -- properties

Доп.точки доступа:
Isagulov, A.
Исагулов А.З.
Shayakhmetov, B.
Азбанбаев Э.М.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

    Effect of asymmetric rolling with cone-shaped rolls On microstructure of low-carbon steel / A. D. Mekhtiev [et al.]. ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2015. - Vol. 54, no. 4. - P 623-626. - http://elib.kstu.kz/fulltext/Scopus/2015/MET_54_4_623_626.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
rolling -- steel -- microstructure -- properties -- asymmetric

Доп.точки доступа:
Mekhtiev, A.D.
Мехтиев А.Д.
Azbanbayev, E.M.
Азбанбаев Э.М.
Isagulov, A.Z.
Исагулов А.З.
Karipbayeva, A.R.
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Zakariya, N.B.
Yermaganbetov, N.Z.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Effect of asymmetric rolling with cone-shaped rolls On microstructure of low-carbon steel [Текст] / A. D. Mekhtiev [et al.]. // Metalurgija. - 2015. - Vol. 54 no. 4. - С. 623-626


Effect of asymmetric rolling with cone-shaped rolls On microstructure of low-carbon steel [Текст] / A. D. Mekhtiev [et al.]. // Metalurgija. - 2015. - Vol. 54 no. 4. - С. 623-626

    Effect of asymmetric rolling with cone-shaped rolls On microstructure of low-carbon steel / A. D. Mekhtiev [et al.]. ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2015. - Vol. 54, no. 4. - P 623-626. - http://elib.kstu.kz/fulltext/Scopus/2015/MET_54_4_623_626.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
rolling -- steel -- microstructure -- properties -- asymmetric

Доп.точки доступа:
Mekhtiev, A.D.
Мехтиев А.Д.
Azbanbayev, E.M.
Азбанбаев Э.М.
Isagulov, A.Z.
Исагулов А.З.
Karipbayeva, A.R.
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Zakariya, N.B.
Yermaganbetov, N.Z.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

    Studying structure and properties of shaped ingots obtained in various conditions of crystallization / Sv. S. Kvon [et al.]. ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2018. - Vol. 57, no. 4. - P313-316. - http://elib.kstu.kz/fulltext/TR/2018/MET_57_4_313_316.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
sandy-clayey mold -- microstructure -- mechanical properties

Доп.точки доступа:
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Kulikov, V.Yu.
Куликов В.Ю.
Issagulov, A.Z.
Исагулов А.З.
Dostayeva, A.M.
Достаева А.М.
Kovalyova, T.V.
Ковалева Т.В.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Studying structure and properties of shaped ingots obtained in various conditions of crystallization [Текст] / Sv. S. Kvon [et al.]. // Metalurgija. - 2018. - Vol. 57 no. 4. - С. 313-316


Studying structure and properties of shaped ingots obtained in various conditions of crystallization [Текст] / Sv. S. Kvon [et al.]. // Metalurgija. - 2018. - Vol. 57 no. 4. - С. 313-316

    Studying structure and properties of shaped ingots obtained in various conditions of crystallization / Sv. S. Kvon [et al.]. ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2018. - Vol. 57, no. 4. - P313-316. - http://elib.kstu.kz/fulltext/TR/2018/MET_57_4_313_316.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
sandy-clayey mold -- microstructure -- mechanical properties

Доп.точки доступа:
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Kulikov, V.Yu.
Куликов В.Ю.
Issagulov, A.Z.
Исагулов А.З.
Dostayeva, A.M.
Достаева А.М.
Kovalyova, T.V.
Ковалева Т.В.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

    Developing anticorrosive coating composition with halloysite nanotubes with effect of self-regeneration / A. Z. Issagulov [et al.]. ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2019. - Vol. 58, no. 1-2. - P151-154. - http://elib.kstu.kz/fulltext/Scopus/2019/MET_58_1_2_151_154.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
halloysite -- steel -- microstructure

Доп.точки доступа:
Issagulov, A.Z.
Исагулов А.З.
Kulikov, V.Yu.
Куликов В.Ю.
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Dostayeva, A.M.
Достаева А.М.
Kuripko, S.A.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Developing anticorrosive coating composition with halloysite nanotubes with effect of self-regeneration [Текст] / A. Z. Issagulov [et al.]. // Metalurgija. - 2019. - Vol. 58 no. 1-2. - С. 151-154


Developing anticorrosive coating composition with halloysite nanotubes with effect of self-regeneration [Текст] / A. Z. Issagulov [et al.]. // Metalurgija. - 2019. - Vol. 58 no. 1-2. - С. 151-154

    Developing anticorrosive coating composition with halloysite nanotubes with effect of self-regeneration / A. Z. Issagulov [et al.]. ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2019. - Vol. 58, no. 1-2. - P151-154. - http://elib.kstu.kz/fulltext/Scopus/2019/MET_58_1_2_151_154.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
halloysite -- steel -- microstructure

Доп.точки доступа:
Issagulov, A.Z.
Исагулов А.З.
Kulikov, V.Yu.
Куликов В.Ю.
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Dostayeva, A.M.
Достаева А.М.
Kuripko, S.A.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

    Studying of properties and microstructure of 30 CrMnV9 steel on wear resistance / A. Z. Issagulov [et al.] ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2019. - Vol. 58, no. 3-4. - P326-328. - https://hrcak.srce.hr/218417

Доп.точки доступа:
Issagulov, A.Z.
Исагулов А.З.
Ibatov, M.K.
Ибатов М.К.
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Arinova, S.K.
Аринова С.К.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Studying of properties and microstructure of 30 CrMnV9 steel on wear resistance [Текст] / A. Z. Issagulov [et al.] // Metalurgija. - 2019. - Vol. 58 no. 3-4. - С. 326-328


Studying of properties and microstructure of 30 CrMnV9 steel on wear resistance [Текст] / A. Z. Issagulov [et al.] // Metalurgija. - 2019. - Vol. 58 no. 3-4. - С. 326-328

    Studying of properties and microstructure of 30 CrMnV9 steel on wear resistance / A. Z. Issagulov [et al.] ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2019. - Vol. 58, no. 3-4. - P326-328. - https://hrcak.srce.hr/218417

Доп.точки доступа:
Issagulov, A.Z.
Исагулов А.З.
Ibatov, M.K.
Ибатов М.К.
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Arinova, S.K.
Аринова С.К.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

    Studying the properties and microstructure of parts obtained by different casting technologies / Ye. P. Shcherbakova, S. K. Arinova, I. Ye. Medvedeva [et al.] ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2020. - Vol. 59, no. 4. - P511-513. - https://hrcak.srce.hr/241205

Доп.точки доступа:
Shcherbakova, Ye.P.
Щербакова Е.П.
Arinova, S.K.
Аринова С.К.
Medvedeva, I.Ye.
Медведева И.Е.
Zhetessova, G.S.
Жетесова Г.С.
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Studying the properties and microstructure of parts obtained by different casting technologies [Текст] / Ye. P. Shcherbakova, S. K. Arinova, I. Ye. Medvedeva [et al.] // Metalurgija. - 2020. - Vol. 59 no. 4. - С. 511-513


Studying the properties and microstructure of parts obtained by different casting technologies [Текст] / Ye. P. Shcherbakova, S. K. Arinova, I. Ye. Medvedeva [et al.] // Metalurgija. - 2020. - Vol. 59 no. 4. - С. 511-513

    Studying the properties and microstructure of parts obtained by different casting technologies / Ye. P. Shcherbakova, S. K. Arinova, I. Ye. Medvedeva [et al.] ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2020. - Vol. 59, no. 4. - P511-513. - https://hrcak.srce.hr/241205

Доп.точки доступа:
Shcherbakova, Ye.P.
Щербакова Е.П.
Arinova, S.K.
Аринова С.К.
Medvedeva, I.Ye.
Медведева И.Е.
Zhetessova, G.S.
Жетесова Г.С.
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

    Experience with ferrosilicoaluminum alloy during deoxidation of steel / A. Mekhtiyev [et al.]. ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55, no. 1. - P47-50. - http://elib.kstu.kz/Fulltext/TR/2016/MET_55_1_47_50.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
steel -- deoxidation -- ferrosilicoaluminum -- microstructure -- mechanical properties

Доп.точки доступа:
Mekhtiyev, A.
Мехтиев А.Д.
Akhmetov, A.
Yudakova, V.
Bulatbayev, F.
Булатбаев Ф.Н.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Experience with ferrosilicoaluminum alloy during deoxidation of steel [Текст] / A. Mekhtiyev [et al.]. // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55 no. 1. - С. 47-50


Experience with ferrosilicoaluminum alloy during deoxidation of steel [Текст] / A. Mekhtiyev [et al.]. // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55 no. 1. - С. 47-50

    Experience with ferrosilicoaluminum alloy during deoxidation of steel / A. Mekhtiyev [et al.]. ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55, no. 1. - P47-50. - http://elib.kstu.kz/Fulltext/TR/2016/MET_55_1_47_50.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
steel -- deoxidation -- ferrosilicoaluminum -- microstructure -- mechanical properties

Доп.точки доступа:
Mekhtiyev, A.
Мехтиев А.Д.
Akhmetov, A.
Yudakova, V.
Bulatbayev, F.
Булатбаев Ф.Н.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

    Using high-chromium iron as material for production of the equipping components of mine shafts / Sv. S. Kvon [et al.]. ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55, no. 2. - P206-208. - http://elib.kstu.kz/fulltext/TR/2016/MET_55_2_206_208.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
chromium iron -- mine shafts -- sliding bearings -- microstructure -- mechanical properties

Доп.точки доступа:
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Kulikov, V.Yu.
Куликов В.Ю.
Filippova, T.S.
Omarova, A.E.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Using high-chromium iron as material for production of the equipping components of mine shafts [Текст] / Sv. S. Kvon [et al.]. // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55 no. 2. - С. 206-208


Using high-chromium iron as material for production of the equipping components of mine shafts [Текст] / Sv. S. Kvon [et al.]. // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55 no. 2. - С. 206-208

    Using high-chromium iron as material for production of the equipping components of mine shafts / Sv. S. Kvon [et al.]. ; Karaganda state technical university // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55, no. 2. - P206-208. - http://elib.kstu.kz/fulltext/TR/2016/MET_55_2_206_208.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
chromium iron -- mine shafts -- sliding bearings -- microstructure -- mechanical properties

Доп.точки доступа:
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Kulikov, V.Yu.
Куликов В.Ю.
Filippova, T.S.
Omarova, A.E.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Andreyachshenko, V. A.
    Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of AlSiMnFe alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing / V. A. Andreyachshenko, A. B. Naizabekov ; Karaganda state technikal university, Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55, no. 3. - P353-356. - http://elib.kstu.kz/Fulltext/TR/2016/MET_55_3_353_356.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
aluminium alloy -- ECAP -- microstructure and mechanical characteristics

Доп.точки доступа:
Naizabekov, A.B.
Андреященко В.А.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Andreyachshenko, V.A. Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of AlSiMnFe alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing [Текст] / V. A. Andreyachshenko, A. B. Naizabekov // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55 no. 3. - С. 353-356


Andreyachshenko, V.A. Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of AlSiMnFe alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing [Текст] / V. A. Andreyachshenko, A. B. Naizabekov // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55 no. 3. - С. 353-356

Andreyachshenko, V. A.
    Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of AlSiMnFe alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing / V. A. Andreyachshenko, A. B. Naizabekov ; Karaganda state technikal university, Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55, no. 3. - P353-356. - http://elib.kstu.kz/Fulltext/TR/2016/MET_55_3_353_356.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
aluminium alloy -- ECAP -- microstructure and mechanical characteristics

Доп.точки доступа:
Naizabekov, A.B.
Андреященко В.А.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

    Studying microstructure of heat resistant steel deoxidized by barium ferrosilicon / A. Z. Issagulov [et al.]. ; Karaganda state technikal university, Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55, no. 3. - P388-390. - http://elib.kstu.kz/Fulltext/TR/2016/MET_55_3_388_390.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
heat-resistant steels -- ferrosilicobarim -- microstructure -- mechanical -- properties

Доп.точки доступа:
Issagulov, A.Z.
Исагулов А.З.
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Kulikov, V.Yu.
Куликов В.Ю.
Aitbayev, N.B.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Studying microstructure of heat resistant steel deoxidized by barium ferrosilicon [Текст] / A. Z. Issagulov [et al.]. // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55 no. 3. - С. 388-390


Studying microstructure of heat resistant steel deoxidized by barium ferrosilicon [Текст] / A. Z. Issagulov [et al.]. // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55 no. 3. - С. 388-390

    Studying microstructure of heat resistant steel deoxidized by barium ferrosilicon / A. Z. Issagulov [et al.]. ; Karaganda state technikal university, Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy // Metalurgija. - 2016. - Vol. 55, no. 3. - P388-390. - http://elib.kstu.kz/Fulltext/TR/2016/MET_55_3_388_390.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
heat-resistant steels -- ferrosilicobarim -- microstructure -- mechanical -- properties

Доп.точки доступа:
Issagulov, A.Z.
Исагулов А.З.
Kvon, Sv.S.
Квон Св.С.
Kulikov, V.Yu.
Куликов В.Ю.
Aitbayev, N.B.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Беті 1, Нәтижелерін: 23


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