Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of nanostructured manganese ferrites of composition NdMe1.5MnFeO6 (Me = Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba) in the temperature range from 298.15 to 673 K


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    Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of nanostructured manganese ferrites of composition NdMe1.5MnFeO6 (Me = Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba) in the temperature range from 298.15 to 673 K / Sh. B. Kasenova [et al.]. ; Karaganda state technical university // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2015. - Vol. 89, no. 4. - P586-591. - http://elib.kstu.kz/fulltext/Scopus/2015/Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A_4.pdf

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
metallurgy -- heat -- thermodynamics -- nanostructured

Доп.точки доступа:
Kasenova, Sh.B.
Sagintaeva, Zh. I.
Kasenov , B. K.
Ermagambet, B.T.
Seisenova, A.A.
Kuanyshbeko, E.E.
Sherembaeva, R.T.
Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University